LGBTQ Affirming Therapy

Identity Matters

Who you are, who you love, and how you love has an enormous impact on how you see yourself, others, and the world around you. As LGBTQ people, we grow up in a world that often does not welcome and affirm us and this can greatly impact how we feel about ourselves and our sense of safety and belonging with others. Your therapist at Freelife will take great care to understand you and the impact of growing up and living as an LGBTQ person has on your health and happiness.

LGBTQ Affirming Therapist

Transgender, Non-Binary, and Gender Expansive Clients

Trans affirming care is a critical component to supporting the wellbeing of gender expansive/non-conforming clients. Freelife therapists have extensive experience providing therapy with trans individuals and couples as well as offering training to other providers in the community. While gender is just one aspect of our identity, it can be a powerful one, and Freelife therapists will take care to value what your gender means to you and your health. You may just beginning to explore your gender and seeking knowledgeable and compassionate support in that journey. You might also feel very grounded in your gender identity and expression and want to focus on other aspects of your mental health with a therapist who will understand you without over-focusing on your gender or needing you to educate them. Freelife therapists are comfortable meeting you where you are and working collaboratively towards your goals.

LGBTQ Affirming Therapist

Gay, Bi, Lesbian, Queer, and Asexual Individuals and Relationships

Our sexuality can be an important part of who we are. Not just in who we desire and how we form relationships, but also as a part our identity that dictates how our others treat and value us. We understand that people seek love and sex differently and some not at all. Your therapist at Freelife will take the time to get to know you and carefully understand how your sexual identity informs how you see yourself, how others in your life have treated you, and how you feel in your relationships. For some clients, this may be new and an exploration of desires. For others, it may be important to have a therapist who understands and affirms your sexuality while focusing therapy on other aspects of mental health.

LGBTQ Affirming Therapist

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