Kink, Polyamorous, Open, &
Non-Monogamous Relationships
Open, Poly, and Ethically Non-Monogamous Clients
Many people desire or need more than one sexual or romantic partner to feel fulfilled in life. Seeking or living in open, poly, or ENM relationships presents a unique set of challenges and rewards that deserve specialized care and understanding by your therapist in order to best support your wellness and happiness. Freelife therapists have training and experience supporting clients whose sexual and romantic lives differ from what much of society expects or demands of them. We can help you balance achieving a life of fulfillment while successfully navigating the unique complexities of open, poly, and ENM life.
Kink and Kinky Identities + Communities
For some, kink can be all about exploring fantasies and behaviors that bring about excitement, enjoyment, and even healing. For others, it is an identity, a way of forming relationships, and finding community. Freelife kink-informed therapists are trained and experienced in helping clients discuss the many roles kink can play in your mental health and happiness and the unique joys and challenges it can bring. Whether you are at the beginning of exploring kinky fantasy or desire or currently living a life where kink or BDSM plays a major role, we are here to support you in your mental health needs.